Tarlac City, Tarlac – The Department of Agriculture Regional Field Office 3 led by Secretary William D. Dar received the new Regional Animal Disease Diagnostic Laboratory from the United States of America Defense Threat Reduction Agency held at the DA-Central Luzon Integrated Agricultural Research Center (CLIARC) Compound on September 14, 2020.

The new RADDL will offer services that are significant to the development of the livestock and poultry industry and provide prompt and accurate diagnostic tests of major animal diseases that will serve as the basis for the therapeutic, prophylactic, and eradication measure of disease outbreaks in Central Luzon.

The said facility will also serve as a training area for Veterinary clinicians, students, and professionals.

A representative of USAID Agricultural Section Mr. Morgan Haas commended the constant partnership between the USA and the Philippines.

“This is a wonderful example of our long steady partnership and cooperation between the United States and the Philippines specifically in the area of Agriculture. We are happy to have you as part of the network in order to assure not only the Philippine Food Security but also the Global Food Security,” he added.

This activity was also attended by Major Brian Smith of US Embassy, OIC-Regional Director Crispulo Bautista Jr., OIC- RTD for Operations & Extension Nelson M. Bautista, OIC-RTD for Research & Regulatory Dr. Eduardo L. Lapuz, Jr., and other DA officials.

In the message of Secretary Dar, he expressed his sincere gratitude for the timely donation of the US Embassy.

“Let us make things possible for Philippine Agriculture to do it best this time around because we are basically an agricultural country. We have to unlock the potential of this sector as the backbone of the Philippine economy. Higit sa lahat, kailangang-kailangan po natin ngayon ang laboratoryong ito,” he said.

Afterward, a Ribbon Cutting of New RADDL was conducted. ###

Writer: Rica Salas
Photos: Renzo Tobias

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