PMED involves DA Operating Units & Local Stakeholders in planning for FY 2022

The Planning & Monitoring Evaluation Division (PMED) of DA-RFO III spearheaded the Preparation of the DA’s FY 2022 Plan & Budget Proposals on January 12-14, 2021 at Hacienda Gracia, Lubao, Pampanga.

The joint planning workshop is to promote implementation of plans, programs and budget at local, regional and national levels. The event was participated by DA attached agencies, provincial offices and other DA operating units. The activity gave an opportunity for the regional office to plan with the local government units (LGUs) and other local stakeholders in identifying various interventions to achieve desired outcomes for the agriculture & fishery sector. Moreover, the workshop ensures national plans are grounded on identified issues that affect local farming communities.

Dr. Arthur Dayrit, Chief of PMED in his message shared on what transpired during his meeting with the local chief executives (LCE) of Pampanga including Gov. Pineda and former President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo. Issues discussed were covid -19 programs and projects they have pledged to fund. Dr. Dayrit also informed the LCEs on the updating of farmers masterlist through RSBSA to bonafide farmers. “Government intervention and support to agriculture sector will be given to only farmers registered under RSBSA” Dayrit uttered. Dr. Dayrit also noted the need to increase or double the income of farmers (P100,000.00/annum) and farmer workers which are currently below the poverty line in crafting plans for FY 2022.

At the end of the workshop, expected output are cascaded strategic directions in agriculture to stake holders, accomplished templates of priority programs, activities and projects from LGUs, Operating Units three year rolling investment program, inputs to Agriculture Development Program and feedback to LGUs on their on their submitted proposals.

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