Award of Contract for the project “Supply of labor and materials for the installation of BED COVER FOR THE RP VEHICLE F3-Q313 NAVARRA SPORTS EDITION with PR No. 2021-01-0005 and ABC of NINETY-FIVE THOUSAND PESOS (95,000.00)”

This serves as notice to the public that the requirement for the project “Supply of labor and materials for the installation of BED COVER FOR THE RP VEHICLE F3-Q313 NAVARRA SPORTS EDITION with PR No. 2021-01-0005 and ABC of NINETY-FIVE THOUSAND PESOS (95,000.00)” was awarded to DABA ENTERPRISES as the Lowest Calculated Responsive Quotation through Negotiated Procurement -Small continue reading : Award of Contract for the project “Supply of labor and materials for the installation of BED COVER FOR THE RP VEHICLE F3-Q313 NAVARRA SPORTS EDITION with PR No. 2021-01-0005 and ABC of NINETY-FIVE THOUSAND PESOS (95,000.00)”