Award of contract for the project “Supply and delivery of Various Other Supplies for the supplies of Plant Tissue Culture Laboratory in DA-CLIARCLD, Paraiso, Tarlac City with PR No. 2022-07-02567 and ABC of P92,292.00”

This serves as notice to the public that the requirement for the project “Supply and delivery of Various Other Supplies for the supplies of Plant Tissue Culture Laboratory in DA-CLIARCLD, Paraiso, Tarlac City with PR No. 2022-07-02567 and ABC of P92,292.00” was awarded to LESINC SCIENTIFIC EQUIPMENT, INC. as the Lowest Calculated and Responsive Quotation continue reading : Award of contract for the project “Supply and delivery of Various Other Supplies for the supplies of Plant Tissue Culture Laboratory in DA-CLIARCLD, Paraiso, Tarlac City with PR No. 2022-07-02567 and ABC of P92,292.00”