Award of contract for the project “Supply of Labor and Materials for the Construction of Two Units Filterized Cistern Tank at ROS-Hillyland, Botolan, Zambales with PR#2023-01-0358 & ABC of PhP 970,000.00”

This serves as notice to the public that the requirement for the project “Supply of Labor and Materials for the Construction of Two Units Filterized Cistern Tank at ROS-Hillyland, Botolan, Zambales with PR#2023-01-0358 & ABC of PhP 970,000.00” was awarded to YUERS CONSTRUCTION AND SUPPLY as the Lowest Calculated and Responsive Quotation through Negotiated Procurement – Small continue reading : Award of contract for the project “Supply of Labor and Materials for the Construction of Two Units Filterized Cistern Tank at ROS-Hillyland, Botolan, Zambales with PR#2023-01-0358 & ABC of PhP 970,000.00”

Award of contract for the project “Supply and delivery of Various Office Supplies to be used at PMED Office for 1st Quarter CY 2023 with PR# 2023-02-0571 & ABC of PhP 129,905.31”

This serves as notice to the public that the requirement for the project “Supply and delivery of Various Office Supplies to be used at PMED Office for 1st Quarter CY 2023 with PR# 2023-02-0571 & ABC of PhP 129,905.31” was awarded to DABA ENTERPRISES as the Lowest Calculated and Responsive Quotation through Negotiated Procurement – Small Value continue reading : Award of contract for the project “Supply and delivery of Various Office Supplies to be used at PMED Office for 1st Quarter CY 2023 with PR# 2023-02-0571 & ABC of PhP 129,905.31”

Award of contract for the project “Supply and Delivery of Various Supplies to be used on Livestock Production cum Techno Demo in ROS Hillyland & ROS Lahar for CY 2023 with PR No. 2023-02-0598 & ABC of PhP 96,700.00”

This serves as notice to the public that the requirement for the project “Supply and Delivery of Various Supplies to be used on Livestock Production cum Techno Demo in ROS Hillyland & ROS Lahar for CY 2023 with PR No. 2023-02-0598 & ABC of PhP 96,700.00” was awarded to J & F UNIVERSAL AGRI TRADING as the continue reading : Award of contract for the project “Supply and Delivery of Various Supplies to be used on Livestock Production cum Techno Demo in ROS Hillyland & ROS Lahar for CY 2023 with PR No. 2023-02-0598 & ABC of PhP 96,700.00”