Award of contract for the project “Supply of Labor and Materials in the Construction/ Upgrading of Nethouse in ROS-Hillyland, Botolan, Zambales with PR No. 2022-08-02741 and ABC of Php 116,171.00″

This serves as notice to the public that the requirement for the project “Supply of Labor and Materials in the Construction/ Upgrading of Nethouse in ROS-Hillyland, Botolan, Zambales with PR No. 2022-08-02741 and ABC of Php 116,171.00” was awarded to YUERS CONSTRUCTION AND SUPPLY as the Single Calculated and Responsive Quotation through Negotiated Procurement -Small Value Procurement with the total amount continue reading : Award of contract for the project “Supply of Labor and Materials in the Construction/ Upgrading of Nethouse in ROS-Hillyland, Botolan, Zambales with PR No. 2022-08-02741 and ABC of Php 116,171.00″