Corn is the second most important crop in the Philippines. About 14 million Filipinos prefer white corn as their main staple and yellow corn accounts for about 50% of livestock mixed feeds. Farm households depend on corn as a major source of livelihood, in addition to transport services, traders, processors, and agricultural input suppliers who directly benefit from corn production, processing, marketing, and distribution.

Corn is also processed into high-value products, such as cornstarch, corn syrups, corn oil, gluten, and snack foods.

The overall strategy is to fast-track the expansion of hybrid corn, cassava, and other feed crop production to achieve food and feed self-sufficiency, enhance the competitiveness of the domestic livestock and poultry sectors through cheaper feed inputs as well as generate jobs in rural communities.


Increase production of quality corn, cassava, soybean, and sorghum for human consumption, feeds, and industrial uses, as well as empower the farmers and increase their income, thereby improving their quality of life.


Production Support Services

  1. Seeds and fertilizers subsidy
  2. Cassava planting materials distribution
  3. Disaster Risk Reduction and Management
    • Corn seed reserves
    • Biological and chemical pesticides to prevent pests and diseases

Extension Support, Education & Training Services

  1. Farmers Field School (FFS) in Corn Production
  2. Livelihood Skills Training on Cassava Food Processing and Cornhusk Crafts-making
  3. Distribution of Information, Education, and Communication (IEC) materials
  4. Incentives in support of LGU-AEW 

 Research and Development

The Program is funding various research in support of the continuous development and improvement of corn, cassava, soybean, and sorghum

Provision of Agricultural Equipment & Facilities Support Services

  1. Farm tractor
  2. Harvester
  3. Hauling Truck
  4. Cassava Granulator
  5. Hammer Mill
  6. Multi-crop Drying Pavement

Irrigation Support Services

  1. Pump and Engine Set for Shallow Tube Well
  2. Solar Pump Irrigation System

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