In pursuant to Proclamation No. 227 series of 1998 providing for the observance of the month of March as Women’ Role in History Month, the Department of Agriculture Central Luzon Gender and Development (GAD) Focal Point System led the opening ceremonies of the 2018 National Women’s Month celebration on March 12 at the DA Central Luzon Grounds.

With the theme “We Make Change Work for Women”, the said celebration specifically aims to: inform and engage women as stakeholders of government programs and services – to promote citizen-centric governance and make “change” a conscious effort to know, understand, and provide what all citizens need; create and facilitate platforms to discuss good practices, gaps, challenges , and commitments in pursuing gender and development (GAD) – to strengthen implementation of the Magna Carta of Women; and inspire and empower women and girls to be agents of change – to contribute in promoting gender equality and the empowerment of all women.

Regional Technical Director for Administrative and Finance, Research, Regulatory and Integrated Laboratory and GAD Focal Person Atty. Jennilyn M. Dawayan mentioned the significant roles played by women in the agriculture sector.

“We are celebrating the women’s month in order to recognize the efforts especially our farmers and fisherfolks who are members of the marginalized community and part of the programs that the DA has been doing for the past years to be able to comply with the 5 percent GAD Plan and Budget as required by our total GAA include seed distribution, meat processing, and marketing through conduct of trade fairs and other entrepreneurial trainings.” said Dawayan

“Also stated in the Magna Carta for Women, it recognizes the efforts of women through right food security and productive resources we encourage mothers and children to take part in our programs.” Dawayan added

Dawayan also invited DA Central Luzon employees to participate in the month-long celebration.

The GAD Focal Point System arranged various activities which include: on-the-spot poster making contest, essay writing contest, film showing, edible landscaping contest, and retooling on GAD guidelines and gender analysis tools for agriculture programs and projects. The culminating ceremony and awarding of winners will be on March 26.

To show support to the celebration, employees are also requested to wear purple every Thursday and join the call to advance women’s right and gender equality, to break gender stereotypes, to stop gender-based violence and discrimination against women.###

Ozanne Ono Allas

Information Officer II