CLIARC Training goes ONLINE!
Yes, you read that right!
You can now learn at the comfort of your home through our “WEBINARS” even with the imposed General Community Quarantine.
We will be kicking off our online seminar on Mushroom Production with our experts from the Mushroom Technology and Development Center on June 24, 2020 (Wednesday) at 1:30 pm.
To join, just follow these steps:
1. Register online by clicking this link: Fill-out the form, answer the pre-test and submit.
2. Upon submission, a confirmation message will appear.
3. Download and install the Zoom Application on Google Play Store or App Store.
4. Upon confirmation of successful registration, a message will be sent to the email address you provided containing the following details:
• Meeting ID
• Meeting Password
5. On the day of the training, go to your zoom application, click “Join” and key-in the meeting ID and meeting password sent to your e-mail. Then, wait for the host to approve your request to join.
**After the webinar, a post-test link will be sent to you via email. Kindly answer the post-test and submit. The three (3) participants with the highest scores will receive prizes which will be delivered right at their doorsteps.