GAP awards certification to Farmers of Central Luzon

The Regional Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) Team of DA-RFO III conducted its annual awarding of certified GAP farms for Region III on Nov. 27, 2020 at Orchid Gardens, City of San Fernando, Pampanga with the theme “Farmers Empowerment through adoption of Philippine Good Agricultural Practices Productivity and Sustainability”.

Dr. Eduardo L. Lapuz, Jr., Regional Technical Director for Regulatory urged the GAP Team and the farmers/farm owners to maintain the “quality” of farms even though we are at number 1 nationwide. “We should not rest on our laurels and keep on striving to maintain our top spot in GAP nationwide, we must continue to uphold the safe, quality and affordable crops as well” Lapuz uttered.

Ms. Jocelyn Reyes of Joyful Garden farm also shared her expertise on market stability of black rice to supermarket. She declared that the accreditation process is similar to that of Organic Agriculture. “Initially, I was hesitant to apply because of stringent requirements, but if you are GAP certified, you have a competitive edge over other farms” Reyes remarked.

Wencelito Gomez of Kalasag Cooperative in San Jose City stressed the advantages of having your farm GAP certified. Gomez emphasized that being GAP certified farm meant safer food to consumers, increase volume in terms of demand and a sure market. Kalasag Coopeartive supplies onion and pepper to Jolibee Food Corporation such as Jolibee Fast Food, Mang Inasal, Burger King and other food conglomerates. Gomez added that under GAP, farmers are empowered through adoption of GAP principles.

Mr. Angel Tulabut, the retiring GAP focal person in his valedictory address conveyed a heartfelt message to the awardees. He thanked the Regional GAP Team for their work and effort they have put in the program. Tulabut likewise expressed his gratefulness to the reception of the program to the farmers. “GAP is a tool for change and a tool to empower farmers” he added.

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