The Department of Agriculture Regional Field Office III has adopted gender mainstreaming as a strategy to promote women’s human rights and eliminate gender discrimination in its systems, structures, policies, programs, processes, and procedures, pursuant to Section 36 of Republic Act No. 9710, otherwise known as the Magna Carta of Women (MCW).

Part of the mainstreaming strategy is the creation of the GAD Focal Point System, which will lead the integration of a gender perspective into the department’s policies, plans, and programs. In this process, the system also ensures the assessment of the gender-responsiveness of the department’s systems, structures, policies, programs, processes, and procedures based on priority needs, concerns, and constituencies. Additionally, it involves the formulation and implementation of recommendations.


AgriPinay Loan is a loan facility founded by Agricultural Credit Policy ACPC to selected women beneficiaries to promote women’s access to Agri credit.


  1. Regional Search for the Outstanding Rural Women.
    The activity aims to give recognition and importance to all women farmers in their contribution to society in the field of agriculture.
  2. Celebration of International Women’s Month (March).
    In line with the Proclamation No. 227 s. 1988 entitled Providing for the Observation of the Month of March as “Women’s Role in History Month”. National Women’s Month Celebration (NWMC) aims to give due recognition to the contributions of women in our organization.
  3. Celebration of International Men’s Month (November).  
    The Month-long celebration gives recognition to all working in the field of Agriculture and spread awareness of their importance and contribution of men to agriculture development in our country.     
  4. 18-Day Campaign to End VAWC (November 25-December 12).
    The 18-Day Campaign to End Violence against Women and their Children (VAWC) supports the Philippine government’s goal of protecting the human rights of women and girls by upholding its commitment to address all forms of gender-based violence as enshrined in the 1987 Constitution
  5. Orientation of all the newly hired employees about the Gender and Development Program.
    This aims to brief all the newly hired employees about the importance of Gender Equality/Equity of the agency.
  6. Gender Mainstreaming of all the Programs and Projects
    With this mainstreaming strategy of the DA RFO 3, programs and projects are planned and programmed under its different banner programs and projects for implementation as indicated in the approved Work Plan and Budget representing the five percent (5 %) of the Total GAA of the DA RFO III.
  7. Advocacy Seminar about the Gender and Development Program Region-wide among clients.