is directly anchored to the Office of the Regional Director as per the Rationalization Plan, headed by Mr. Noli C. Sambo. The Division is responsible for all planning, monitoring, and evaluation functions of the RFO, including its management information system services.

It also undertakes the following activities: Secretariat of the CSO Accreditation, Regional Agriculture and Fishery Council (RAFC), Technical Assistance on ACEF, Regional Convergence Initiative (RCI), IPlan Component of the PRDP, RDC-Sectoral Committee on Economic Development, and other activities as may be assigned by the Regional Executive Director.


1.) Planning and Programming Section

    This section is responsible for the preparation and updating of the Agriculture and Fishery Modernization and Industrialization Plan (AFMIP), the annual plan and budget of all operating units, and the Agriculture and Fishery Profile. The preparation of the Budget Execution Document for programs and projects is also undertaken.

    Head of the section is Ms. Lordelyn Dela Cruz with three permanent and two COS staff

    2.) Monitoring and Evaluation Section

      This section is responsible for monitoring the physical and financial performance of DA programs and projects, conducting monitoring and tracking activities, and performing impact evaluations initiated by the DA-Central Office.

      The Head of this section is vacant with three permanent M & E and two COS staff

      3.) Information and Communication Technology Unit

        The section is responsible for maintaining IT facilities in the region and research stations. It also develops and maintains the Management Information System (MIS) for agency reports, programs, activities, and administrative functions.

        The Head of this unit is Mr. Allan Cayanan with three ICT permanent and two COS staff.


        1. Assists and coordinates the preparation, review, and updating of functional, commodity, and/or support services plans.

        2. Strengthens the participatory planning process used in generating agriculture and fisheries modernization and industrialization plans.

        3. Coordinates and conducts strategic impact assessments of DA programs as a basis for decision-making, planning, public investment prioritization, and policy formulation.

        4. Provides regular updated reports on program implementation to DA management, other national government agencies, and stakeholders.

        5. Strengthens the investment programming process used in generating the agriculture and fisheries public investment program/plan (PIP).

        6. Orchestrates the preparation, consolidation, and review of the Regional Agriculture and Fisheries Modernization and Industrialization Plan (RAFMIP).

        7. Undertakes periodic monitoring and evaluation to assess the agency’s progress against its external and internal plans, using the data acquired to systematically and objectively evaluate the results of its programs and projects.

        8. Develops and maintains the RFO’s information systems and manages information and communication technology (ICT) infrastructures and networks.

        9. Prepares and submits the RFO’s information systems strategic plan (ISSP).

        10. Acts as the Regional Technical Secretariat for the CSO Accreditation.


        1. Joint Planning Exercise
        2. Presentation of Plan and Budget Proposal to RDC and CSOs
        3. BEDs Preparation
        4. Monitoring and tracking of programs/projects
        5. Performance Review/ Assessment
        6. Impact Evaluation of programs/projects
        7. Updating of profile and Georeferencing under the RSBSA
        8. Maintenance of Management Information System
        9. CSO Accreditation