The Regional Agricultural Engineering Division (RAED) in support to Rice, Corn, High Value Crops, Livestock, and Organic Program on the Provision of Agricultural Machinery/Equipment and Post-Harvest Facilities under the regular program of the Department of Agriculture.
The RAED primarily oversees the planning and implementation of agri-fisheries mechanization and infrastructure programs and projects by the DA-RFOs.
1.) Engineering Plans, Designs and Specifications Section (EPDSS);
a) Conduct engineering survey, site inspection, and validation, prepare and evaluate plans, designs, technical specifications, feasibility studies, and cost estimates/ program of work, of agri-fisheries mechanization and infrastructure projects;
b) Develop and maintain a regional database of the pipeline of implementation-ready agri-fisheries mechanization and infrastructure projects with approved feasibility studies, detailed engineering design, and program of works, among others for annual funding under the Annual National Expenditure Program (banner programs, etc.), and other potential funding donors;
c) Review and provide technical assistance to the ABE Groups in the Local Government Units in the preparation of engineering plans, designs, specifications, feasibility studies, and tender contract documents for their agri-fisheries mechanization and infrastructure projects;
d) Provide technical assistance to the recipient in securing necessary pre-engineering permits, and the preparation of implementation documents (e.g., MOA);
e) Facilitate the conduct of social preparation/public consultation for project recipient candidates to assess their readiness to operate and maintain projects;
f) Conduct damage assessment, prepare recommendations and estimates for funding of repair/rehabilitation of dilapidated and/or calamity-damaged agrifisheries machinery and equipment, and infrastructure projects;
g) Conduct valuation to determine the appropriate and just compensation for the property owners affected by the acquisition of ROW for infrastructure projects;
h) Provide technical assistance in the pre-procurement and procurement activities of the DA-RFO implementing units; and i) Provide technical assistance in the review and evaluation of variation orders, and as-built plans.
2.) Programs and Projects Management Section (PPMS)
a) Formulate the regional agricultural infrastructure, irrigation, mechanization, postharvest facilities, and agro-processing development/master plans in coordination with LGUs, NGAs, and other groups at the regional level;
b) Supervise and monitor the construction of agricultural infrastructure, irrigation, mechanization, postharvest facilities, and other related projects of DA;
c) Facilitate the conduct of social preparation/public consultation for project recipient candidates to assess their readiness to operate and maintain projects;
d) Provide technical assistance in the preparation of operation and maintenance/ business plan and corollary legal instruments (e.g., MOA, Ordinance, Resolution) prior to project completion;
e) Provide technical assistance to LGU, qualified farmer associations, cooperatives, or entrepreneurs interested in establishing and operating agri-fishery machinery and equipment service centers;
f) Monitor and assess the operation of constructed infrastructure facilities and distributed machinery and equipment, and provide recommendations to enhance its sustainability;
g) Facilitate and coordinate the institutional and capacity development activities to support and sustain the operation and management of constructed infrastructure and distributed machinery and facilities;
h) Oversee and coordinate the creation of agricultural and biosystems engineering positions and offices at the LGU levels and its capacity development; and
i) Maintain a regional database of the status of ongoing and inventory of all completed agri-fisheries machinery and equipment, irrigation, farm-to-market roads, and other related infrastructure.
3) Standards Regulation and Enforcement Section (SRES)
a) Conduct compliance inspection, testing, and evaluation of production, postharvest and processing, and warehouse/storage machinery and equipment;
b) Supervise at the regional level the enforcement of the Philippine Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering Standards (PABES) and other relevant standards on agricultural infrastructure, machinery, and post-harvest facilities;
c) Provide technical/supervision assistance to LGUs, NGA, and other DA-attached agencies in the conduct of testing and evaluation of agri-fisheries machinery, post-harvest facilities, and agro-processing projects as well as the conduct of training and extension activities;
d) Maintain and regularly update the registry of agri-fisheries machinery owners at the regional level, which can be accessed through the Internet;
e) Facilitate the registration and licensing of all agricultural machinery, equipment, and facilities and other mandated regulatory activities;
f) Conduct surveillance activity relative to the issuance of Permits to Operate and compliance with the after-sales service of agri-fisheries machinery and equipment manufacturers, fabricators, assemblers, distributors, dealers, importers, and exporters (MFADDIEs) in coordination with BAFE;
g) Coordinate and assist the LGUs in establishing a registry of agri-fisheries machinery owners at the municipality and provincial levels;
h) Assist in the issuance of accreditation of small and medium-sized agricultural and fishery machinery and equipment manufacturers, fabricators, assemblers, and importers;
i) Assist DA in the development of new standards, especially in equipment peculiar to the region;
j) Coordinate and assist the local building officials in the evaluation and processing of permit applications and certificate of occupancy of agricultural buildings and structures; and
k) Assist in the conduct of Constructors’ Performance Evaluation System (CPES) in DA infrastructure projects
- Validation of Farm-to-Market Road Requests
- Validation of Small Scale Irrigation Projects
- Validation of Agricultural Infrastructures, Machinery, and Post-Harvest Facilities
- Assistance In the Registration And The Issuance Of Permit To Operate (PTO) For the Manufacturer, Fabricator, Assembler, Distributor, Dealer, Importer, Or Exporter (MFADDIE) of Agricultural And Fisheries Machinery
- Preparation of Program of Works and Detailed Engineering Design for Agricultural Infrastructures and Facilities for various DA Banner Program
- Monitoring/ Inspection/ Supervision of construction DA Infrastructure/ Facilities Projects