With an over-all performance rating of 91.18%, Central Luzon was awarded as the 1st best performing region (financial and physical accomplishment) during the 1st quarter of 2022.
DA Central Luzon garnered 100% Financial Accomplishment, 93.82% Financial Accomplishment, and 68.23% Operations Rating.
Further, based on the comparison of the 1st Quarter Performance Rating of 2021 vs. 2022 a 43.93% improvement was performed by Region 3.
Central Luzon is one of the leading growth regions in the Philippines. Rice is one of the region’s major agricultural crops which contributes 18-20% of the country’s total rice production, thus it is also called the Rice Granary of the Philippines.In the year 2021, the region attains a total of 3,741,210.53 metric tons (MT) of rice production, or 106,062.94 metric tons higher compared to 3,635,147.59 MT in the year 2020 (PSA Data) which shows an increase in the area harvested of 2.37% or 16,854.42 hectares.
The awarding ceremony was held last May 3, 2022, in Davao City during the Management Committee Meeting.
