The Research for Development Division (R4DD) of the Department of Agriculture – Regional Field Office III is dedicated to improving farmers’ quality of life through impactful research and extension activities. Research projects are crucial for developing new products, processes, or technologies that enhance the efficiency of agricultural production, post-production, marketing, and processing chains of priority commodities in Region 03. Therefore, the R4DD strives to assist and lead in providing research and development services. In partnership with members of the Agriculture and Fishery Research, Resources and Extension for Development Network (AFRREDN) from state colleges, universities, local government units, non-government organizations, people’s organizations, and the private sector, it formulates and oversees the implementation of the Regional Research, Extension, and Development Agenda and Programs (RREDAP) to address priority agriculture-related issues and needs. Continuous training for human resource development promotes professional excellence in discovering knowledge, new technologies, and production protocols to meet the changing needs of stakeholders. The outcomes of these efforts serve as input for extension services, innovation, entrepreneurial inclusivity in the adoption of developed technologies, and as a basis for improving the regional production of agricultural commodities. All of these initiatives contribute to technological and pedagogical advancements and produce exceptional research outputs that are internationally recognized.

The General Function of the R4DD is to establish a clear research direction and ensure that the Regional Research Division Mission is accomplished through the combined efforts of all its members, with the aim of modernizing and globally competing in agriculture for a secure, resilient, and sustainable region.

Section and Units

    R4DD comprises four Research Outreach Stations (ROSes) for Lowland, Upland, Hillyland, Ash-laden, and Lahar Areas, and seven units within the Research Pool. These units include the RDE Program for Crops, RDE Program for Animals, RDE Program for Biosystems, and Agricultural Engineering Units, as well as the Production Management, Knowledge Management, Technology Packaging, Extension, and Networking Unit, and Facility Management.

    Each ROS is divided into four major units: The Research Development Program Services Unit, the Research for Development for Crops and Animals Unit, the Station Maintenance and Development with Extension Unit, and the Support Services Unit.

    The R4DD, which functions as the research arm of the DA-RFO III, is expected to perform the following tasks: participate in the planning and formulation of a research agenda that aligns with the regional harmonized research office of BAR, SUCs, LGUs, research institutions, and the private and industrial sectors. In addition, the role involves communicating the agency’s research thrusts and priorities to SUCs and LGUs to ensure the alignment and relevance of their research programs and activities. The person in this role will also be responsible for managing the implementation of research projects conducted by SUCs, LGUs, and other entities involved in R4DD.

    Furthermore, a key aspect of the role is to develop a system for regularly monitoring, documenting, and appraising research efforts. The role also includes providing platforms for the publication and dissemination of research outputs through an Annual Research Agency In-House Review. Another responsibility is to review and release printed and digital referred research portals to facilitate the exchange of information among agencies at the regional and national levels. The person in this role will also be involved in formulating and recommending policies and guidelines to improve and enhance research programs, projects, and service delivery.

    Lastly, this role is responsible for establishing linkages and engagements with local, national, and international funding agencies, as well as academic and research institutions.

    Products and Services

      R4DD operates a Technical and Support Services Program, consisting of three sub-programs: Production Support Services (PSS), Extension Support Education and Training Services (ESETS), and Research and Development (RnD).

      Furthermore, R4DD provides a range of services and products that improve the lives of farmers. These services include collaborating on research and development projects, conducting commodity profiling, sharing advanced technologies, and providing trial results for varietal testing, fertilizer, and pest management trials. R4DD also conducts feeding trials, develops management strategies for livestock and poultry production, offers technical support to students working on their theses, carries out midstream and downstream research services, conducts technology adaptation and verification trials, offers training facilities and machinery, provides support services to DA programs, and offers other research and development services.

      Also, R4DD offers various outputs specifically designed for farmers, teachers, researchers, and students. These include the Regional Integrated Research for Development and Extension Agenda Program (RIRDEAP), completed research studies, technology guides (IEC materials), a compendium of R4D papers, documentation of matured technologies, project proposals, new technology breakthroughs, and the production of genetic materials in crops and livestock.

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