In 2014, the Department of Agriculture exerted efforts to revive and re-establish the formerly known Animal Breeding Station of the department. After years of continuous effort, the breeding station is now a sub-satellite station of CLIARCHD, the Research Outreach Station for Hillyland Development. It is now also known as the Research Outreach Station for Lahar-Laden Development (RSLL), re-established by the Department of Agriculture, Regional Field Office III, through the initiative of the Regional Executive Director, the Regional Technical Director for Research, and the Research Division.


1. Research for Development Unit
Seven research studies are being conducted both inside and outside the station under various banner programs:

  • Performance of Red Onion (Bulb Type) in Lahar-Laden Soil as Affected by Different Nutrient Management
  • Formulation and Testing of Plant-Based Feeds for Free-Range Chickens
  • Profiling of Lahar-Laden Areas in Central Luzon
  • Enhancing the Rice-Based Yam Bean Farming System in the Lahar Agroecosystem through the Development and Promotion of Technology Packages
  • Station-Managed Rice Seed Production for Adverse Conditions in Central Luzon
  • Enhancing the Productivity of Feedstuffs (Yellow Corn, Sorghum, and Soybean) through Balanced Fertilization Strategies
  • Performance of Selected Peanut Varieties in Lahar-Laden Soil Conditions

2. Livestock Program Unit

  • Produce and distribute forage seedlings, including Flemingia, Indigofera, Madre de Agua, Guinea Grass, and Mulberry, to farmers as planting materials.
  • Produce and distribute native pigs to qualified recipients in Central Luzon under an animal loan program.
  • Maintain sustainable free-range chicken production in lahar-affected areas and distribute them to qualified recipients in the region under an animal loan program.
  • Develop and disseminate IEC (Information, Education, and Communication) materials on livestock production.

3. Organic Agriculture Program Unit

  • Production and distribution of organic inputs (vermicompost and liquid supplements)
  • Showcase technology demonstration in organic urban garden, organic forages and organic native pig;
  • Develop and disseminate IEC materials on organic agriculture.

4. Crops Unit

  • Production of open pollinated varieties seeds and seedlings.
  • Technology demonstration on mungbean, sweet potato, cassava and GAP.


  1. Distribute forage planting materials, free-range chickens and native pig.
  2. Distribute organic liquid supplements, organic fertilizer, forage and upgraded goat to organic agriculture practitioners.
  3. On-station technology demonstration in organic inputs, organic forage and organic native pig, sweet potato production, mungbean production, cassava production, and GAP.
  4. Distribution of vegetable seeds and seedlings with IEC materials of matured technologies in the station.
  5. Provide technical support to costumers visiting the station.
  6. Offers its resources and facilities to other development institutions specifically to SUCs, RMTU in particular, in agricultural RDE undertaking.