The Department of Agriculture – Research Outreach Station for Upland Development (DA-RSUD) was formerly known as the Pampanga Breeding Station under the Bureau of Animal Industry (BAI) – Region 3 in 1965. In the late 1970s, it was renamed Maria Sinukuan Stock Farm under the same bureau. In 1991, it became CLIARC – Main by virtue of A.O. 6 and 19 series of 1991.

In mid-2011, it was renamed the Central Luzon Integrated Agricultural Research Center for Upland Development (CLIARCUD) and is currently called the Research Outreach Station for Upland Development (RSUD).

DA-RSUD is a satellite station of the DA – Research Division, playing an important role in the DA’s organizational and functional structure. It serves as a link between the regional and provincial research and development programs. It is also involved in conducting research and development projects through the application of modern technologies aimed at improving the upland agricultural production system in the region.


  • Conduct adaptation and verification trials of technologies developed by central and regional stations.
  • Develop component technologies for various production systems.
  • Evaluate the results of technology verification trials and identify technology gaps and constraints.
  • Determine the economic viability of the verified technology and identify recommended technology packages for dissemination.
  • Organize training programs in coordination with extension workers and farmers.
  • Conduct on-site demonstrations and pilot testing of improved technologies for production.
  • Produce and maintain germplasm and stocks of breeders for distribution to provincial service stations and organized groups.


  • Production and distribution of animal breeder stocks (free-range chicken, rabbit, sheep).
  • Production and distribution of organic Inputs (organic seeds, vermicompost, arrow root planting materials)
  • Production and distribution of other planting materials (rice seeds, fruit-bearing trees, mushroom fruiting bags, forages)
  • Conduct of trainings on crops and animals’ production and processing.
  • Provide technical assistance and demonstrate technologies on crops and animals’ production.


  1. Production Support Services
    • Poultry and Livestock Production Project
    • Forage Production Project
    • Plant Nursery Project
    • Mushroom Production Project
    • Organic Agriculture Production Project
  2. Research for Development Project
    • Technology Demonstration of Organic Product Based Project
    • Rice Seed Production Project
    • Lapan-Based Product Development
    • Ube-Powder Based Product Development
    • Technology Demonstration on Ube Production Project
    • Development Of Efficient Vine Cutting Technology for Ube (Discorea Alata) Cultivation
    • Development of Low-Cost Tissue Culture Media for Arrow Root
    • Development of Low-cost feeds for poultry and livestock animals
    • Crop Diversification in Rice-Based Farming System
    • Sweet Potato Varietal Production