The Regional Soils Laboratory is a unit of the Integrated Laboratory Services Division of the Department of Agriculture, Regional Field Office 3. It is established for agricultural purposes, primarily for a perceptible impact on the productivity of the soil, ultimately helping the individual farmer increase his crop production towards a higher income.

Duties & Functions:

  1. Formulates plans and programs for the efficient operation of the unit in accordance with the thrusts and policies of the D.A.,
  2. Establishes standards, procedures and techniques in the analysis of soil, water, plant, fertilizers and other materials vital to crop production.,
  3. Provides services in testing soil, water, plant samples, fertilizers and other materials to farmers and the general public and provides recommendations in the use of lime, zinc, and fertilizers.,
  4. Provides services in the production and distribution of Compost Fungus acticator and Mushroom Spawn, and conducts quality control of the produced in all Provincial Laboratories.
  5. Identifies problem soil areas for research and development.,
  6. Maintains linkages with other soil laboratories in the region for advances in soil, water, plant material and fertilizer testing.

Functional Composition:

  •  Chemical Analysis Sub-Unit
    • Establishes programs, standards, techniques and procedures in the analysis of soil, water, plant samples, fertilizers and other materials.
    • Conducts chemical analysis of soil, water, plant samples, fertilizers and other materials
    • Updates analytical methods for testing of soil, water, plant samples, fertilizers and other materials.,
    • Provides technical assistance to all Provincial Soil Laboratories in the region.
  •  Biological Production Sub-Unit
    • Produces and distributes Compost Fungus Activator and Mushroom Spawn.
    • Conducts assurance and quality testing of CFA and Mushroom Spawn in all Provincial Laboratories,
    • Conducts information dissemination on the use of CFA and Mushroom Spawn.
  •  Physical Analysis Sub-Unit
    • Establishes programs, standards, techniques and procedures for the physical analysis of soils and other materials
    • Conducts physical analysis of soils such as textural class and soil structure.
    • Provides technical assistance to all provincial laboratories in the region
  •  Soil Test Kit Sub-Unit
    • Establishes guidelines and procedures for the utilization, distribution and monitoring of soil test kits/rapid soil test kits.
    • Updates, compiles and collates various STK data for statistical evaluation and interpretation.
    • Develops training programs for farmers and technicians on the utilization of the STY/RST as a diagnostic kit for soils.
  •  Checks and calibrates equipment and other facilities for analysis; conducts spot-checking of
    analysis for assurance and quality control measures.



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Guidelines for Laboratory Fees
Soil Sampling Procedure
Water Sampling Procedure
CFA Request Form
STK Refill Request Form
Sample Receiving Form – Soil
Sample Receiving Form – Fertilizer
Sample Receiving Form – Water
Sample Receiving Form – Plant tissue